Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Middle Earth movie casting causes wars, not politics

As you know I am a big fan of Game of Thrones. Not just the books but the recent series that aired on HBO. It has been pretty well done and manages to capture the books almost to perfection. Now that season one has wrapped up, the casting for season two begins; as well as the insanity of its fans. Dear Lord, sweet baby Jesus, small kittens and butternut squash, are these people frigging insane. To be passionate about a series is one thing, to be outright insane to the point of rage and assassination plots is quite another. I love to read the casting choices for series such as this because I love to see the vision that the director, producers, and writers, have for these characters. Do they always match my vision? Certainly not. Do I trust that they know what they are doing most of the time? Sure. If I don't like their choice am I going to scream, shout, ban the series and burn all of the books whilst stalking outside of the directors mother's home? HELL NO. Do people act like this? YES, YES THEY DO. I have found that the fans of the Peter Jackson movies are a little bit more on the insane side as opposed to the Game of Thrones folks. Just take a look at Peter Jackson's Facebook page after he posted pictures from his upcoming movie, The Hobbit. These people are insane. I noticed this after the picture of Fili and Kili was posted.  Here is the offensive picture below:

Apparently Fili, or Kili or whoever he is didn't fit the "dwarvy enough" look and people FREAKED THE HELL OUT. "Dwarves are not hot!" they screamed. "He's too thin!" they yelled. "Peter Jackson, we don't like this so we are going to burn your house down and rip out your entrails and feed them to whoever the guy is that played the dwarf in Lord of the Rings! And then let Gollum roast your bones." Ok, no one really said that but I'm certain that they were thinking it.
Frankly, I'm all for the hot dwarf. Especially since it's the guy that played Mitchell in BBC's Being Human. Yum. No one wants to see a hot guy with a huge misshapen nose and the gut of a 45 year old redneck that likes to watch an obscene amount of WWE and NASCAR while slammin' his Schlitz and crushing the cans with his eyeball. Seriously, we don't. So, really people, just calm down. Really, CALM DOWN, before I get all hipster on you and send each and everyone one of those stupid Keep Calm and Don't Jerk On It Too Long, poster. I'm fairly certain that if the Rock was cast as a fairy or some crap (wait, this happened and ended horribly didn't it?), that the world wouldn't come to an end. Stop arguing just because the cast doesn't fit your perfect imagination and believe that the vision of the person that devoting their life to this project has some idea what he is doing. Also, get a girlfriend. Or a drinking habit. Something where you aren't spending every second of your life worrying about whether or not the Hobbit has enough hair on his toes.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's been too long

Yes, yes, I know. It's been forever since we last posted. Sometimes life just gets in the way of fun things like blogging and laundry and dishes.. and sleep. The good news is that some great things have happened over the past few months. Lori was transferred to a job that she loves and I made high honor roll in my classes! See, we middle aged folks are smart! So, where did we leave off? Ahh, yes, the firewalk. Well folks, I can say that I actually did walk across fire!

 I also broke an arrow with my throat. Say what?! Yes, I actually did this. It looks a little something like this. 
It was a pretty awesome experience and I would in all honesty do this again. It is not as hard as you would think that it is and really, it's all about working through your fears.

I have also been experimenting with my iPhone photography skills. My eldest daughter suggested I sign up for an app called Instagram and I have been photographing like crazy since then. It's a great interactive photo sharing program and I have come across a few folks that run a daily challenge for your photos. If you happen to have this app or wish to try it out look for @JoshJohnson and his daily #jj_forum and weekly #jj_challenge. You will be amazed at what you find. There are some really fantastic iPhotographers out there. Here are a few of my personal photos.

I'm definitely not a photographer but I am pretty proud of what I have posted so far. Feel free to add me at @motherhellfire if you are on instagram. I would love to share your photos.

Onto something entirely different, my 8 year old has become intrigued with the show Extreme Couponing. I know, I know, everyone is thinking "oh Lord, another one" but I will be honest, we do not go overboard. I am not clearing out rooms for a stockpile or anything of the sort. We just clip and match when we can and still buy all the normal things as usual. The only difference is that my grocery bill has dropped about 60.00 per trip. I can't complain about that. It's quite lovely in fact. I have managed to score free lunchbags for my girls with the purchase of their backpacks for the upcoming school year. Purchases that I would have made regardless only this time, I am looking at the prices more carefully. I have also come across several sites that have been extremely helpful. These people are "hardcore" couponers and obviously much better than I am. However, I have found that these people are gracious to share their secrets and I have managed to come across a lot of great deals and free things because of the hard work that they put into their sites. Here are two of my favorites, raining hot coupons,  Saving well spending less if you are interested. As I come across things I may post more great finds. I have been coming across many. While I will not flood this blog with them, that is not what this blog is about, I find that sharing is helpful to many that may not know where to find these things. Believe me, it's not been easy for me.
As for what the future holds, I am currently reading the 5th book in the Game of Thrones series, A Dance With Dragons,  by George R.R. Martin. I have to say, I LOVE this series. Unreasonably. I came across it late last year when HBO started running some light promo for the series that would start in April. I was intrigued and found that it was based on a series of books. I am a book junkie so of course I had to go buy the entire series. Little did I know that 1, each book is well over 1000 pages and 2, that they would be absolutely amazing. This is likely one of the best series I have ever read. If you have an opportunity to check them out, please do so. You will not be disappointed. In the meantime, I am going to go read until my eyes bleed. I will keep you updated on how it all turns out. Maybe I will do a 5 book review.
Until then folks! ~Jules

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Firewalking. No, seriously. Walking through fire

I had a dear friend post yesterday that she is putting together a group to attend a firewalking session in the near future. At first I was intrigued but found that as the evening progressed that I was putting more and more thought into this event. After a few panic attacks, hyperventilation, and a case of the shakes, I said yes. So, dear readers, this girl is going to walk on fire in April. Am I excited? Yes. A little crazy? Maybe. Completely insane? Pretty sure that I have been for some time.
I will post the results and maybe pictures after the event and let you know if I have made it through or just received the world's worst pedicure and exfoliation. Although, I think I will get through just fine (tell that to the panic boiling inside my soul). More to come on this event in the future.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Rabbit, Rabbit

I never could resist spitting it out first thing.  So today I will jump the gun and fire off my good luck in the new month early.  And if you have read my last post, or know me in general, you know my luck has been less than great lately. 

In an effort to A. Get off my a$$ and do something, B. be more proactive on my etsy shop, C. hopefully inspire some creativity (and inventory) i have a plan!  I am going to make something new everyday in March. 

I am happy to report that I am finally past the worst of my car troubles.  We replaced the Hub's Cruiser with a Focus that gets incredible gas mileage (important when he's a reporter driving all over).  The price was reasonable and the payment wont be crippling.  its the first NEW car I've ever bought!  So the stress over the old car is past.  On to the dental work....

in my new 31 day plan, I will post pictures of my successes (and failures, I guess).  I;; also post links to my store, in case any really vigilant reader wants to follow my progress.  Wish me luck kids and a happy March to you all!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the calm before the storm...

Good morning and hello!  its been a while since my last post, life has decided to make me it's toilet seat.  I'm being shit on left and right.  i try to stay optimistic during these times, everyone goes through them.  I tell myself that it will get better, then you're done with your bad time for a while.  Well, this one seems like its lingering.  every time i turn around something else (expensive) is wrong.  and its wearing me down.  I'm carrying around that anxious feeling that generally precedes a breakdown. 

its kind of a weird place to be for me, as I am generally quite optimistic.  There's always some light at the end of the tunnel.  But I must say, I can't see one right now.  So please forgive the absences, you two, but I'm having trouble getting motivated.  It hasn't been my winter.  Enough whining for now, I will pull up my big girl pants (figurative people, I can't take a fat joke right now) and move on.  I had a post planned on a intensive look at the Fresh Beat Band show, since my 3 year old adores it and I have been subjected to it all weekend.  Perhaps in a little while, I can cheer up and explain to you why it really does look like Shout is trying to abduct Kiki every time he stands beside her.

may your week go better than mine (and i realize its all of Tuesday...)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bringing in the dough

It appears that January has finally given up the battle and passed the beating stick to February. In celebration of the month of "Love" for those that have spouses, and "Thanks for showing me how much I suck at relationships", for those of us that are single, I decided to get crafty in the kitchen and make a several loaves of bread to stuff my face with.
I have to say, I am quite proud of the outcome. Now, you may say "hey, everyone has a bread machine so what are you bragging about?" Well dear readers, I did not use a bread machine. I have rebelled against the evil machine and opted to make these glorious loaves by hand and use *GASP* an oven! I started off with an Amish sweet bread which was a huge hit with the kids, and last night, I decided on a basic white bread. Thanks Julia Child! While I am an absolute novice at this I am impressed that they came out as well as they have. I have found that my mixer rebels against large batches of dough so that means a lot of kneading by hand which I seem to need a little more experience with as the loaves have come out a tad dense but otherwise they are delicious. I may never buy bread from the store again. Yes, I am a grocery rebel!
Alas, I seem to have found my calling. Bread maker extraordinaire.
For now, I am off to put my bakers cape on and kick February in the face. Until we meet again readers! Oven on, and away!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

The allure of a kit

Good morning!  Its Thursday, which means my anger level is down to a 5 (allow slight elevations for weather related driving).  I'm grateful for the upcoming weekend, if only to clean my sty house.  Other than a whirlwind day of bleach and vacuuming, I'm going to be doing some sewing.  I have been mentally beating myself up for not adding anything to my Etsy store of late, and my goal this weekend is to toss up some listings.  The first thing I'm working on, is a kit!  I absolutely adore kits.  The idea of everything you need being included into one package is so alluring.  I'm a sucker for anything packaged together.  I can't help myself. 

So...I'm working on a small kit!  I finished a very cute burp cloth, with oranges and lemons. I have a onesie planned in that same material in a patch and I have a pacifier clip in a matching ribbon.  A very cute baby shower gift, if I so say so!  I'll post links to my Etsy listing shortly.  Can anyone recommend any additions to my "kit"? 

hope your weekend is wonderful!
